Journal of Military and Veterans Health Editorial Board Vacancies
The Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health is the official journal of the Australasian Military Medicine Association It is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original content on contemporary research advances in military health services in the Australasian region since 1990. JMVH aims to provide a high-quality internationally-recognized medical and scientific forum for disseminating original research findings, reviews, commentaries and other matters that relate to the health and well-being of, men and women serving in the military and after their military careers, and the medical and health care support they receive.
The broad scope of JMVH recognizes that military and veteran health matters extend across the whole lifespan of the member, from the time they join the military, through periods of active operational or non-operational service including time within the reserve forces, post-military service and ending in retirement and old age. JMVH recognizes that those who serve in the Armed Forces face health challenges related to the environments and activities in which they are involved during their service with the potential to cause long-term health complaints that arise in their later years in addition to the challenges of access to medical care during their service.
In case of interest read more or apply today!
Colorado Springs, CO (USA)
Marseille (FRA)
Marseille (FRA)